There are some people who are terrified to have surgery and will often do anything to avoid having any surgical procedure. This could be a simple as a tooth extraction (which does count as a type of surgery, since there is a cutting of flesh, and blood involved) or as complicated as elective heart surgery. Yes there are people who decide to have certain surgical procedures done but these are usually on the advice of a doctor or consultant. 

The whole idea of going to a hospital scares some people that they will even avoid going to a clinic or medical centre, and instead rely on natural remedies and alternative practices. These all have their place in the scheme of things and are very useful for some illnesses and ailments. However there are times when the only solution to a problem is to have surgery and at this point the patient has to try and overcome their fears.

For some people the fear stems from a bad experience in their earlier life, either involving surgery, hospitals or doctors, but for some people it can be a fear of never waking up from an anaesthetic. There are also those people who are so afraid of catching germs that they do not visit hospitals at all. All of these reasons are valid and even irrational fears seem valid to the person facing them. We should not judge people and ridicule them due to their fears and insecurities.

On the other hand there are those people who have no objection to having a surgical procedure done. Among these are those women who prefer to go for an elective caesarean operation instead of having a normal birth. Then there are those people who suffer from Munchhausen’s Syndrome where they enjoy the attention that they receive while they are in the hospital, or the attention of the doctors and nurses in the clinics.

There is another group of people who have no objections to going under the knife, and these are those who decide that they wish to undergo cosmetic surgery. This could be due to the way feel about their appearance because of various reasons, such as being overweight or having a certain feature that they wish to change. These people often feel insecure about themselves and they believe that they will fell better if they change their appearance.

For some people, it could be the ravages of time which are causing them to consider having cosmetic surgery done. In these cases a lot of people will have a full or a partial breast augmentation. This will make them look attractive and younger and this in turn will give them a renewed confidence in them selves. For still others, the problem could be that they have lost a lot of weight and have excess fold of skin which are unsightly. In this case they will want a skin tightening treatments such as a tummy tuck. All of these procedures involve some surgery.

There is so much pressure on people these days to look good that it is affecting all areas of life. There was a time when it was thought that only those who worked in the modelling or acting field had to resort to cosmetic surgery in order to give nature a helping hand, but these days this is no longer true. While it is necessary to keep your body and mind healthy and active, in this competitive world it is also necessary to fit in with certain body images in order to succeed.

Research has shown that the way a person thinks and feels about themselvesis closely related to the way that he looks. A person who is slim and has classically good features will tend to be more confident and have a brighter outlook on life. it is also a sad fact that such a person is more likely to succeed in various aspects of life than someone who is overweight or is not attractive.

This is where cosmetic surgery, or aesthetic medicine, comes in and can solve the problems faced by many people. One of the most popular procedures for women, and especially for young women, is the breast augmentation, which is used to increase the chest size by various methods including the use of implants. Breast augmentation can give a morale boost for a woman who thinks that her chest is too small and wants a fuller figure in order to feel more womanly. This is down to personal thought and choice and somebody opting for this procedure should not be made to feel that they are making a wrong decision.

As for the men who opt for male breast reduction, they are usually overweight or have recently lost a lot of weight and have excess fat on their chests which they wish to have removed. In either case the purpose of cosmetic surgery is to improve self confidence and make you feel better about your body. There is nothing wrong with getting the help of surgery if you find that other methods have not succeeded, you should not let anyone discourage you.

On the other end of the scale we have breast reduction and it may surprise you to learn that a large number of enquiries come not only from women, but from men interested in male breast reduction. Breast reduction is simply the procedure where fat is removed from the breasts and a new shape is created. This is often requested by women who have always been self conscious or teased about having a large chest size and wish to go down a few sizes.

After all, nobody else has to live your life, in your body, and have to live with the way that you feel everyday when you look at yourself in the mirror, so you need to do whatever it takes to make you feel good and look good in your own mind.

I once saw a picture in a magazine of Joan Collins, which showed her looking as well turned out as usual and the story was about the fact that she looked so much younger than her actual years. She did look good and the photos had shown her in a flattering light. However, the one thing which had gone unnoticed was the fact that her hands were prominently displayed in one of the pictures. Not that there is anything wrong with her hands, but the fact remained that they did not match up to the rest of the image which was created around her.

Her hands were wrinkled and the veins were prominent. No matter how much make up and other camouflage techniques are used on the face and body, the hands will always show your age. There is not a lot that you can do hide them and even make up will just cover them up to an extent. So when you are considering lying about your age, remember that your hands will tell the truth. There are some procedures which can be used to make your hands look plumper and less wrinkled but these are only temporary.

When it comes to showing our age, we always try to cover up the evidence. It used to be that you never asked a lady her age, but these days there are men who will also be offended if you ask them how old they are. It seems that we all wish to appear younger than we really are and there are some people who will go to extreme lengths to deny the fact that they are no longer spring chickens.

I have always liked the saying that the face you have in your twenties is the face you have been given, but the face that you have in your forties is the face that you deserve. This just means that if you look after your health and take care of your appearance with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you will look better as you get older. There are many ways of looking younger than we are but the trend these days is to get cosmetic surgery done, if you can afford it, and if you are brave enough. A lot of the processes involved with cosmetic surgery are painful and can take a few days to heal from.

When it comes to your face, the most popular anti-aging treatment as far as cosmetic surgery is concerned, is the breast augmentation. This will make you look immediately younger since the facelift will re-define your features and make your bone structure more prominent. A nose surgery used to something which was the domain of Hollywood celebrities but now it is so common that is discussed at dinner tables and is something which is de rigour among anyone who is in the public eye. Even normal people often go for a little nip and tuck session to look younger.

It may be an old cliché, but nonetheless it is such a true thing to say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is true both for the female form, the male form or even the way that a baby looks. This may be offensive to some people but I do not believe that all children, or even all babies are beautiful. There is a reason why an ugly person is said to have the kind of looks that only a mother could love.

It is a fact of life that everybody wants to be considered beautiful and it is also a fact of life that everyone is not beautiful. The interesting thing though is that what is considered to be beautiful by one person, will be not be the same for another person. This is a good thing and the reason why there is a match for everyone, since we all have different tastes.

In some cultures, a woman with an ample rear end is considered to be attractive, whereas in the western world, any woman with a behind which is more than a size 12 is considered to be too fat. It seems that it is not possible to achieve the perfect shape to please everyone, so you need to be able to feel comfortable with the shape that you are happy with. This could be a size zero or a size 16, as long as you feel that you are happy and healthy.

This is where the main problem arises. The word healthy is the key word to looking beautiful. If you are a size zero, and look as though you would blow over in a strong wind, you are probably not getting all the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs. On the other hand, if you are a size 20, you may feel happy, but all the extra weight is not good for your heart and other organs, so this is not a satisfactory situation either.

When it comes to female beauty, there are a few things which are universally considered to be attractive and one of these is being buxom. There are very few cultures which consider a flat chested woman to be attractive, but even here, it seems that you can have too much of a good thing. There has been a rise in the number of women seeking the aid of cosmetic surgery to feel better about themselves and one of the most popular procedures is the breast reduction and the breast lift for the older woman.

This is opposed to the earlier popularity of the breast augmentation which seemed to be the most requested and talked about cosmetic surgery procedure for many years. These days there are even men who are now choosing to undergo surgery and the male breast reduction procedure is something which is becoming less of a taboo subject. Whatever you think is beautiful, remember that someone will always disagree with you.